New partnership with Aged Care Industry Association

CHEP Champions May 2022 03 FINAL

The Backsafe team is joining forces with the Aged Care Industry Association to run online training courses for their members (non-members welcome too).

Our online course is titled SAFE CLIENT MOVING AND MANUAL HANDLING and will be held every two months throughout the year.

It targets Nurses and Care and Support Staff in Aged and Disability services.

Our goal is to help carers prioritise their own safety at work so they can provide the best care to their clients and keep safe from musculoskeletal injuries.

We know that to achieve lasting change, along with teaching specific client moving transfers, we also need to instill a deep understanding of how the body works and how an injury occurs so that carers can take this knowledge and apply it to any workplace task.

What we cover in the course:

Part 1: Your body at work

  • How the body works and how the creation of a MSD is a cumulative trauma injury
  • How leverage forces can negatively impact the body when lifting incorrectly and how
  • Correct lifting can allow the body to work safely without damage
  • Understanding the Hierarchy of Controls as it relates to client moving
  • Demonstration of pre-work and after breaks warm-ups and stretches

Part 2: Safe manual handling and client moving – Strategies and techniques

  • Understanding and application of lifting, carrying and generally moving plant, equipment and frequently used items.
  • Understanding and application of a range of client/patient transfers including:
    • OFF BED
    o Move from bed to chair
    o Move from chair to bed
    o Chair to toilet
    o Move fallen person off floor
    o In/out of bath or shower
    o Walking with belt support
    o In/out of car or van
    • ON BED
    o Move up / down bed
    o Sit up
    o Roll over
    o Turn / reposition in bed
    o Sit on side of bed

Course Outcomes
• Decreased risk of sustaining injuries when moving clients
• Decreased risk of sustaining injuries when moving plant, stores and equipment
• Increased safety for those that you are caring for
• Increased confidence with providing patient handling care
• Identification and control of specific transfer techniques in client moving
• Identification and control of manual handling techniques in the aged care and disability sector

All participants will receive the following Backsafe Training Materials:
• 1 x Backsafe Patient moving workbook (44 pages)
• 1 x Backsafe General manual handling workbook (56 pages)
• 1 x Backsafe laminated warm up and stretch tri-fold card
• Access to 21 x Backsafe patient moving videos

Visit the Aged Care Industry Association to register for the next online event.

Or email us today and we can send you a link.

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